Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Every once in a while...

Every once in a while, a friend comes along that changes your life. They are there for the big and small things. If you know me well, you know I love when friends just "check in" with me. I love when i can be myself 100% of the time and that is all that person expects. This friend is Jessica! We actually met a little over 7 years ago, but not until this summer did she become a best friend to me.
We constantly joke that the list of reasons why we are friends grows every day. I have decided to list as many reasons as i can think of for this post. I am sure this will not be as enjoyable for many people except us, but usually we are the only ones laughing at things anyway! Ha!

1. Our love/addiction for old country music. Usually from the late 80's and early 90's. We know every word to most every song... she knows way more than me. And we will be content forever, to sit in her backyard with the iPod blaring and us singing at the tops of our lungs til the early morning hours.
2. Our sarcastic natures. We can always find something to laugh about. I can't think of a time when i haven't almost been in tears because i was laughing so hard with Jess. It's a scary thing, but we have the same kind of humor. She makes my life much more fun...that is for sure.

3. Our need for planning out our days. She is obsessed with her calendar on her fridge and my planner is my bff. For instance, one night we were in the car on the way to her house. We mentioned possibly hanging out like 4 days later. Later on that night, i happened to pass her fridge and saw that she had already marked it on her calendar... i had to laugh because i too had put it in my planner.

4. Our love for random TV shows and movies. I always thought i had dreamt up a show from my childhood. I was always asking if anyone remember the show. "Under the Umbrella Tree". Everyone always looked at me like i was crazy when i would explain it. Guess who loved that show as a kid... Jess. We have many shows and movies in common from childhood to present. And we are both in love with our DVRs. It is only her that I can reminisce about old nickelodeon shows like "Are you afraid of the dark?.
5. On a more serious note. Her husband Ben and herself have welcomed me into their home many times a week for the past few months. I am not sure they will ever know how much their friendship means to me, and how much i cherish these times with them. They are some of the best people i know.They are THE BEST of all my friends for checking in with me, and asking me about "me".
6. She will kill me for this. But, one of my favorite memories with her, is when we sang karaoke. Jess can sing, even though she will tell you otherwise. That certain night brought about some of the best laughs I have ever had. I can't wait till we do it again!

There are many more and I could continue for a long time. But, I just want to say... Thanks Jess! For it all! I love you, friend!


  1. Casey I love you so very much. You will never know how much that blog means to me. You have been the greatest friend to me. We are seriously the same person! Thank you so much for the tribute to me! :)

  2. This is awesome! Miss you both, and I'm so thankful that you guys have each other! Being your big sister it makes me happy to know you have a friend like Jess, and I'm so glad that she has you! Love you!
